Game farm for sale; Game farms for sale; Gamefarm for sale; Gamefarms for sale; Game ranch; Gameranch; Wildlife Ranch
Nie elke wildplaas kom met 'n helikopter nie! 20 286 ha. R585m. Limpopo Provinsie. Luukse geboue. Alle bosveld- / savanne wild in groot getalle (geen leeus). Meer besonderhede aan goedgekeurde kopers. Wildplaas: 1144
Not every game farm (wildlife ranch)
comes with a helicopter! 20 286 ha. R585m. Limpopo Province, South Africa. Luxurious
buildings. All bushveldt- / savannah game species in huge
numbers (no lions though). More detail to
approved purchasers. Gamefarm: 1144
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Bosveld is wildwêreld / Game farming is nature
Wildplaas / Gamefarm : 1144
Opgestel / Created: 2022-12-12
Opgedateer / Updated:
I treat this property as a "Blind Listing", for reasons I explain below. Blind Listing" means that certain information regarding the property remains secret until the prospective purchaser has been approved. This is information normally included in a marketing campaign. I do this on specific instruction of the owner / seller. There are game species on the property that are bait for poachers. So I'm instructed to be sensitive with information I give out, and that I must know who I'm talking to before I give out more information. I call this the "Who wants to know" approach.
How I handle it, in practise, is I establish the identity of the person who's interested in more information (that includes some convincing evidence that this prospective buyer has the financial means). Then I introduce this prospective buyer to the owner, and ask for his permission to make available more detail to this prospective buyer. Then we require a payment from the prospective buyer of R25 000-00 for the visit to the property. That includes overnight and a flip over the farm with the helicopter. Since I never had a prospective buyer who could prove his ability to to afford this property, I never before gave out any detail (I had many enquiries and many prospective buyers undertaking to deliver prove of funds, but alas ... it remain promises).
Also, I visited this property quite a while ago as tourist, so I didn't take photos and videos of the type required to use for marketing. I do have some, but not very professional. Once you're approved, I shall make available to you what I have. You'll also have access to this farm's public website. And we'll probably visit the farm, making my tourist video redundant.
So this is how I approach the marketing of this property: The selling point of this property is the size (20 000 ha) in the Limpopo Province Bushveldt (16 title deeds). A purchaser who's interested in a mega game farm really only need to know that, as a starting point. I can add, that all the Bushveldt / Savannah game species are there, including expensive species, bait for poachers and gentle giants. I can also add that the farm is in use as a high-end hunting destination for trophy hunters, but also for all other branches / aspects of game farming. There's a five star game lodge that caters for this, and some other high-end guest accommodation. There's also a superb owner's house, and all other ancillary buildings and improvements needed, including staff accommodation, butchery, runway, game holding pens etc. Of cause there are various equipped boreholes and waterholes. The topography is flat with isolated hills - very scenic. It is a "dry" area - no flowing rivers and huge earth dams - only waterholes. There are big trees however - it's not semi-dessert. I've been to this farm, I flew over it with the helicopter, I saw huge amounts of game, including sensitive species. I saw them with my own eyes. If you know this and you don't want to reveal your identity & financial ability, you're not a buyer. Of cause there are other information you want, like distance from squatter camps and land claims and so on. No, there are no land claims and ... it's not miles and miles away from tribal lands, I must admit. Please, however, distinguish between tribal lands and squatter camps - there's a huge difference. Just tell me who you are, then I give you all the detail. That's my instruction from the owner.
Please note: For 30 years I'm selling game farms, I never counted beds or rooms on a game farm. I can tell you the maain game lodge can accommodate around 50 people, maybe more, in luxury and comfort. In other words it doesn't focus on quantity but rather quality. I don't count beds or rooms, because for the real buyer, with the means to buy, that's not decisive. You can build more if you want to. Then there are three additional self-catering lodges. Game numbers I normally give in the initial advertisement, but I do not have the game numbers on this farm yet, for the reasons I explained and because I never yet had a real possible buyer. The numbers are listed at the bottom of this page, just above the videos. I'm not allowed to name all the "sensitive" species that are there (and I saw them). That shall be made available to approved purchasers only.
I'm not saying the seller is not negotiable on his price. Quite to the contrary, I am of the opinion that he's a real and serious seller, and for that reason, there's a possibility of a compromise. Also, I'm not necessarily going to insist to push my nose into your banking statements. Just tell me who you are and give me something sensible to present to the owner. I won't require absolute prove of your ability to pay right from the initial stage. I just need to know I work with a man of substance. I'm sure you understand.
The runway (airfieldd) is 1 250 meter east/west en 1 000 meter north/south. It lands up to Kingair 200.
"Op die plaas gevoel" video -
"On the farm feeling" video - Preview / Trailer
minutes video
"Op die plaas gevoel" video -
Deel I
"On the farm feeling" video - Part
minutes video
"Op die plaas gevoel" video -
Deel II
"On the farm feeling" video - Part
minutes video
"Op die plaas gevoel" video -
Deel III
"On the farm feeling" video - Part
minutes video
"Op die plaas gevoel" video -
Deel IV
"On the farm feeling" video - Part
minutes video
"Op die plaas gevoel" video -
Deel V
"On the farm feeling" video - Part
minutes video
"Op die plaas gevoel" video -
Deel VI
"On the farm feeling" video - Part
"For Your Eyes Only" - for approved purchasers only
Alleen vir
kantoorgebruik: /
For office use only:
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P Erasmus Prokureur / Attorney
(Tjaka Erasmus)
+27(0) 82 375 3461 mobile
Vygeboomspoort, Lephalale (Ellisras), South Africa
Pretoria kantoor / office:
Amanyane 410, Rifweg-Oos, Leeuwfontein, Nokeng
Tjaka Erasmus
Voordat u hierdie bladsy uitdruk,
oorweeg asseblief die omgewingsimpak
Before printing this page, please consider the enviromental impact
Koper, het u die finansiële
As jy bietjie moet raap-en-skraap, of jou geld kom later los, of so iets - ek help graag, maar ek MOET jou vermoë om die eiendom te bekostig ondersoek. Gee dit asseblief sommer vir my reg van die begin af, die 1e keer wat jy my kontak. Die rede:
TYDMORSERS is mense wat plase wil “koop” maar gladnie oor die
finansiële vermoë beskik nie.
Tydmorsers se motiewe wissel van
a) Naïef – hulle dink hulle kan die plaas op skuld koop en uitboer;
b) Kansvatters, skelms en diewe – dis mense wat vir hulself ‘n
voordeel probeer bewerkstellig, van
so min as ‘n gratis besoek aan ‘n wildplaas,
tot okkupasie totdat hy uitgesmyt word weens wanbetaling,
tot die skurke wat okkupasie neem en die eiendom stroop van
bates en dan verdwyn (“asset stripping”);
c) Psigopatiese Narcissiste wat dit doen om as ‘n belangrike persoon
behandel te word en sodoende ‘n ego-streling (“ego boost”) kry;
d) By uitsondering selfs die Groenetjies wat die eienaar van 'n
wildplaas probeer benadeel vir hulle eie bizarre redes.
'n Agent word betaal vir sukses. Moenie vir my sê ek ek het min tyd
gespandeer aan die transaksie nie - u weet nie wat agter die skerms gebeur
nie. As u my per uur wil betaal sê dit vir my van die begin af. Moenie my
penaliseer vir my effektiewiteit nie - dit maak my eintlik meer werd.
Die hoeveelheid kommissie is in ooreenstemming met die bedryfsriglyn en word
betaal deur verkoper (alhoewel koper dit subsideer).
Ons verdien ons kommissie sodra ons 'n koper vind wat gewillig en instaat is
om die eiendom te koop teen verkoper se minimum terme. Ondertekening van 'n
koopkontrak is die volgende stap en indien verkoper skielik nie meer wil
voortgaan met die verkoop nie word die kommissie onmiddelik opeisbaar en
betaalbaar. Andersins is die kommissie is betaalbaar by registrasie van
oordrag (in uitsonderlike gevalle kan die kommissie vroeër betaalbaar wees,
byvoorbeeld wanneer die koper koop op afbetaling). Vir 'n volledige
verhandeling oor hierdie kwessie gaan na
Verkoper, moet ons dus asseblief nie misbruik om die mark te toets nie.
P Erasmus Prokureur hou persoonlik hierdie webwerf daagliks op datum. Die
goedkoop plase op ander webwerwe is verouderd;
2) 'n Kommissie-agent word
vergoed vir sukses, nie vir harde werk nie, so moenie ons penaliseer omdat
ons effektief is nie.
Buyer, do you have the financial ability?
If you need to scrape around a bit, or your money comes loose later, or something like that - I assist you with pleasure, but I MUST investigate your ability to afford the property. Please give it to me right from the outset, the 1st time you contact me. The reason:
TIME WASTERS are people who want to "buy"
farms but do not
have the financial capacity at all.
Time wasters' motives range from:
a) Naive - they think they can buy the farm on debt and farm it out;
b) Opportunists, crooks and thieves - these are people who try to
gain an advantage for themselves, of
as little as a free visit to a game farm,
to occupation until he is thrown out for non-payment,
to the villains who take occupation and strip the property of assets and
then disappear (“asset stripping”);
c) Psychopathic Narcissists who do this to be treated as an important
person and thus get an ego boost;
d) Exceptionally even the Greens who try to harm the owner of a game
farm for their own bizarre reasons.
An agent gets paid for success. Don't tell me
I didn't didn't spend much time on this transaction - you don't know what
happens behind the scene. If you want to pay me per hour tell it to me from
the start. Don't penalise me for effectiveness - it actually makes me worth
The amount of commission is in accordance with the industry guidelines and
is payable by seller (although purchaser subsidises it).
Our commission is earned the moment we find a buyer who is willing and able
to buy at seller's minimum terms. Signature of a contract is the next step
and if seller suddenly refuses to proceed with the transaction the
commission becomes due and payable immediately. Otherwise the commission is
payable at registration of transfer (in exceptional circumstances it can be
payable earlier, for example when it is a downpayment scheme). For a
detailed discussion of this legal position go to
Thus, sellers, please don't abuse us to test the market.
1) P Erasmus Attorney personally updates this website daily. The cheap
farms on other websites are outdated.
2) A commission agent gets
remunerated for success, not for hard work, so don't penalize us because
we're effective.
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