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Wildplase te koop, Suid-Afrika.
(en so paar ander tipes eiendomme)
Game farms for sale, South Africa.
Private Nature Reserves; Wildlife Reserves;
Wildlife Ranches; African Hunting Farms.
(and a few other types of properties)
Opgedateer / Updated: 2024/09/11
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As gevolg van goedkoop advertensie-spasie op die internet, het veilings die standaard-manier geword van plase verkoop. Veilings is nie meer
'n jag na winskopies nie.
Ons doen veilings van alle tipes vaste eiendomme.
Due to cheap advertising on the internet, auctions became the default way of selling farms. Auctions are no longer a
bargain hunt. We do auctions of all types of fixed properties.
Buitengewone natuurskoon. Verbeterings van die hoogste gehalte. Besproeiing! R17,95m. 1 052 ha. Melkrivier (Waterberg / Vaalwater). 2 ure vanaf Pretoria. Baie goeie akkomodasie insluitend eienaarsverblyf, luukse tente, kampeerstaanplekke asook slag- en koelgeriewe, arbeidersverblyf en ander buitegeboue. Baie wild insluitend buffels en swartwitpense. Riviere en damme. 6 ha onder besproeiing met spilpunt. Lekker kontant-inkomste van luukse tentkamp. Nuwe makadamia-boord. Wildplaas: 1159
Exceptionally scenic farm. Improvements of highest quality. Irrigation! R17,95m.
1 052 ha.
Melkrivier (Waterberg / Vaalwater).
2 hours from Pretoria.
Very good accommodation
owner's accommodation, luxury tents, a camping site as well as slaughtering
- and cooling facilities, labourer's quarters and other outbuildings.
Abundant game
including buffalo and
Rivers and dams. 6 ha under irrigation with centre
pivit. Nice cash-flow from luxury tent camp. New macadamia orchard. Gamefarm:
Droomplaas! 10% berg. Standhoudende riviere! Massiewe groot damme! Besproeiing! Maak 'n aanbod. 3 064 ha. Mokopane (Potgietersrus). Herberg; Eienaarhuis; Bestuurdershuis; Werkershuise; Slaghuis; Ander buitegeboue. 50 rooibokke, 15 koedoes, 20 blouwildebeeste, 10 kameelperde, 5 waterbokke, 10 rooihartbeeste, 8 zebras, 5 volstruise. 42 ha besproeiingsreg. Wildplaas: 1263
Dreamfarm! 10% mountain. Perennial rivers! Massive large dams! Irrigation!
Make an offer.
3 064 ha. Mokopane (Potgietersrus). Lodge; Owner's house; Manager's house;
Workers' houses; Butchery; Other outbuildings. 50
impalas, 15 kudus,
20 bluewildebeests, 10 giraffes, 5 waterbucks, 10 redhartebeest, 8 zebras,
5 ostriches. 42 ha irrigation rights. Gamefarm: 1263
Veiing gekanselleer - plaas verkoop! Dinsdag 13 Augustus om 11:k00 op die plaas.
Bestorwe boedel van oorlede E F Olivier, Meestersverwysing 009172/2023.
Gelyk soet Bosveld! 2 083 ha.
Plaashuis en buitegeboue.
Karavaanpark. Boskamp.
Heelwat wild. Wildplaas: 1243
Auction cancelled - farm sold! Tuesday 13 August at 11:00 on the farm.
Deceased estate of the late E F Olivier, Masters reference
Flat sweet Bushveldt! 2 083 ha. Dwaalboom.
Farmhouse and outbuildings. Caravan park. Bush lodge. Decent amount of game. Gamefarm: 1243
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New listings by email. So convenient. Subscribe to our newsletter. Click here
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Huis met seesig! R5,3m. Jeffreysbaai. Verwysing: 1268
House with sea view! R5,3m. Jeffreysbaai.
2,5 ha / gve! R5,5m. 219 ha. Northam. Beesplaas. Huis; Woonstel; Stoor; Werkersverblyf. 1 ha lusern onder besproeiing. Dra 80 grootvee-eenhede op droëlande en natuurlike weiding. Ten volle ontwikkel en onder goeie bestuur. Losgoed nie ingesluit by die prys nie maar kan oorgekoop word. Plaas: 774b
2,5 ha / lsu! R5,5m.
219 ha.
Cattle farm. House; Flat; Barn; Worker's houses.
1 ha lucern under irrigation.
Carries 80 large stock units on dry lands and natural grazing.
developed and under good management.
Loose assets not included in the
price but can be purchased. Farm:
(en 'n paar ander tipes plase / and a few
other types of farms)
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Boutique wildplasie. Mooi natuurskoon 'n klipgooi buite Pretoria. R950 000. 5 ha. Roodeplaat (Pretoria). Heeltemal ongerep. In 'n area waar wild bewaar word, met wild geboer word en waar natuurlike wild nog voorkom. Een ontoegeruste boorgat. Wildplaas: 137
Boutique game farm. Scenery a stonethrow from Pretoria. R950 000. 5 ha. Roodeplaat
(Pretoria). Completely undeveloped. In an
area where wildlife is protected, game farming is practised and natural game
still roam. One unequipped borehole. Gamefarm:
Natuurskoon in die Moepelberge! 1 336 ha. Eko-landgoed / Reservaat. Halfpad tussen Vaalwater & Ellisras in die Waterberg. Pragtige stuk rivier. Daar is 'n klubhuis met 'n lapa en swembad. Daar is ook slag- en koelgeriewe vir die jagseisoen. Al die gewone Bosveld wild kom voor in die getalle wat die plaas kan dra. Jag word toegelaat vir lede. Wildplaas: 831
in the Moepel mountains! 1 336 ha.
Eco estate.
Halfway between Vaalwater & Ellisras
in the Waterberg. There is a club house with a
and swimming pool.
There also is a butchery for wintertime hunting.
All the normal Bushveld game
are there in the numbers that the farm can carry.
Hunting is allowed for members.
Bergplaas! R1,4m. 633 ha. Groblersdal. 22,3% aandeel. Goeie naweekhuis en 'n gastekamp. Berge en vlaktes. Baie wild. Wildplaas: 1029d
Wadrif. 22 ha! R3m. 22 ha. Wadrif. Luukse herberg. Mooi klompie wild. Wildplaas: 1264
Wadrif. 22 ha! R3m.
22 ha.
Luxury game lodge.
Good amount of game.
Voel soos ... 460 ha, weens bergagtige terrein! R3,25m. 46 ha. Naboomspruit. 1˝ ure vanaf Pretoria. Naweekhuis. Rooibok 95; Njala 80; Zebra 5; Koedoes; Kleinwild; Voëls; Roofdiere. 100% af van Eskom af - alles son en gas. Jy kan verdwaal op hierdie plasie, weens die terrein! Wildplaas: 1208
Feels like ... 460 ha, due to
mountainess terrain! R3,25m.
46 ha.
Naboomspruit (Mookgopong).
1˝ hours from Pretoria.
Weekend dwelling.
Impala 95; Nyala 80; Zebra 5; Kudus;
game; Birds; Predators.
100% off the Eskom grid - everything solar and gas. You can get lost on this
farm, due to the terrain!
Irrigation farm! R3,5m. 86 ha.
Nylstroom (Modimolle).
2 hours from Pretoria.
House and outbuildings.
77 000 mł
p.a. from river.
8 ha moveable centre pivit. River, fountain and huge earth dam.
Verkoop. Gelyk soet Bosveld! R3,6m. 453 ha. Dwaalboom. Huis, groot stoor en ander buitegeboue. Nie wildwerend omhein nie. Trekwild. Wildplaas: 1250
Flat sweet Bushveldt!
R3,6m. 453 ha.
House, large barn and other outbuildings.
Not game fenced. Free roaming game.
Gelyk soet Bosveld! R4,8m. 514 ha. Cumberland (verby Thabazimbi). Goeie woonhuis en buitegeboue, insluitend slaghuis. Rooibok 22; Koedoe 10; Blouwildebees 8; Gemsbok 3. Sonkrag. 3 toegeruste boorgte. Trekker; Sleepwa; Plaasbakkie en vele ander losgoed ingesluit. Geen plaaswerkers. Wildplaas: 1238
Flat sweet Bushveldt! R4,8m.
514 ha.
Cumberland (past Thabazimbi).
Good house and outbuildings, including butchery.
Impala 22; Kudu 10; Bluewildebeest
8; Gemsbuck 3.
Solar power.
3 equipped boreholes.
Tractor; Trailer; Farm bakkie (pick-up) and many other loose assets included. No farm workers.
23 000 ha GROOT 4 (geen leeus) jaggebied! 595 ha te koop. R5,3m. Dwaalboom / Thabazimbi. Geen geboue. Alle Bosveld (Savanne) wild, insluitend groot 5, buiten leeus. Jy't 'n aandeel in die wild. Elke eienaar word jaarliks 'n jagkwota toegeken (jag word toegelaat). Jy betaal nie vir jou jagkwota nie - dis die opbrengs van jou plaas. Daar is geen heffings betaalbaar in hierdie reservaat nie. Geen Eskom. Geen boorgat. Geen selfoonnetwerk. Wildplaas: 515b
23 000 ha BIG
(no lions) hunting
reserve! 595 ha for sale. R5,3m.
Dwaalboom / Thabazimbi. No buildings.
All Bushveldt (Savanna) game,
including big 5, except lions.
You own
a share in the game. Each owner is allocated a hunting quota
(hunting is allowed) every year. You don't pay for it - that's your yield
from the farm. This reserve
has no levy. No Eskom. No borehole. No monbile phone network.
Gelyk soet Bosveld! R6,36m. 800 ha. Marnitz. Hoofhuis. Jagtershut. Baie wild. Wildplaas: 478
Wat hierdie eiendom so uniek maak - dis die enigste privaat plaas binne-in Marakele Nasionale Park! Prys: Maak 'n aanbod. 534 ha. Binne-in die malaria-vrye Marakele Nasionale Park (geen heinings)! Wildplaas: 937b. Prys: Aangesien hierdie plaas so uniek is en daar geen vergelykende verkope is en kan wees nie, is ons onseker oor wat die markwaarde hier is. Enige ernstige aanbod sal dus oorweeg word.
What makes this property so unique - it's the only
private farm inside Marakele National Park!
Price: Make an offer. 534 ha. Inside the malaria free Marakele National Park
(no fences)! Gamefarm: 937b.
Price: Since this farm is so unique and there are and cannot be any comparable
sales, we are unsure of what the market value is here. Any serious offer will
therefore be considered.
Luukse bewoning + Kinderpartytjies en/of Gastehuis en/of Onderverdeling!
2 ha.
Annlin, Pretoria.
Groot woonhuis en buitegeboue.
Lekker groot tuin. Die ander helfte van die plot lę
oop. Verwysing:
Luxury accommodation + Children's party venue and/or Guest house and/or
R7m. 2 ha.
Annlin, Pretoria. Large residence and
outbuildings. Nice big garden. The other half of the plot is open.
Reference: 1199
Kalahari! Ghanzi (Botswana). 5 532 ha. P6,8m. Green zone. Cattle fenced. Old house. 1 borehole, equipped, enough water for cattle and house. No paddocks (internal fences / pastures). No cattle included in the price. 65 km of sandy road. Lease, not title deed. Lease period remaining: must still confirm with owner. Reason for selling - old age. Gamefarm: 1252
Lopende saak! Goeie kontantvloei!
800 ha.
1) Goeie huis; 2) Kontrakteurskamp;
3) Jagkamp; 4) Massiewe skuur; 5) Beeskraal en Skaapkraal.
Dik span rooibokke en koedoes
ander kleinwild).
R928 000 se noodsaaklike losgoed, masjienerie
en gereedskap ingesluit.
PS: Die plaas
is naby die sementfabriek. Die sementfabriek benodig voortdurend ekstra akkommodasie. Die kontrakteurskamp gee 'n lekker
kontantvloei (5 kamers @ R600 p.p.p.d).
Running concern! Healthy cashflow!
R8,8m. 800 ha. Dwaalboom 1) Good house; 2)
Contractor camp; 3) Hunting camp; 4) Massive barn; 5) Cattle pen and Sheep
pen. Herds of impalas and kudus (and other small game). R928 000 worth of necesary loose assets, machinery and tools included. Gamefarm:
PS: The farm is near the cement factory. The cement factory is constantly in
need of extra accommodation. The contractor camp gives a nice
cashflow (5 rooms @ R600 p.p.p.d).
Waterberg bergplaas - goed ontwikkel! R8,5m. 864 ha. Elmeston (Vaalwater / Ellisras). Goeie geboue. Baie wild. Teen 'n teerpad. 50% klipperig en berghange met 'n groot plato bo. Heel toeganklik - goeie padjies. Wildplaas: 316
Waterberg mountain farm - fully developed! R8,5m.
864 ha.
Elmeston (Vaalwater / Lephalale). Good buildings.
Abundant game.
Adjacent to tar road. 50% stoney and
mountain slopes with a large plateau to the top.
Quite accessable - good roads. Gamefarm:
Big 5 reserve! 37 000 ha.
Waterberg (Vaalwater).
Luxury game lodge.
All bushveldt /
savannah game including all members of the the big 5.
You buy your own 500 ha title deed
inside this prestigious private game reserve. No internal fences.
Traversing rights over the entire reserve.
Various properties available, most of them with a luxury game lodge. Many lodges
commercialized, but not all of them.
Also available: shares in game lodges. I'm not advertising every property individually -
please enquire with me as to what is available at the moment.
Die Hart van die Bosveld! R10,6m. 1 380 ha. Swartwater. Goeie geboue. Baie wild. Wildplaas: 1158
The Heart of the Bushveldt! R10,6m.
1 380 ha.
Good buildings.
Abundant game.
Leefstyl! R11,5m.
52 ha.
Pretoria / Hartebeespoortdam.
Hoofhuis: 4 slaapkamers; Gastehuis: 6 slaapkamers; Gastewoonstel: 2
slaapkamers; Oupa en Ouma se tuinhuis; Werkersverblyf en
30% berg. Groot getalle wild. Drie baie sterk boorgate. Lekker passiewe
inkomste uit die gastehuis en wild. Sonpanele bring 'n groot besparing
Twee titelaktes, kan afsonderlik gekoop word:
R7,5m vir 42 ha met gastehuis en wild; 2) R4m vir 10 ha met hoofhuis en
Lifestyle! R11,5m. 52 ha. Pretoria / Hartebeespoortdam (Van der Hoff
Road). Main house: 4 bedrooms; Guesthouse: 6 bedrooms; Guest flat: 2
bedrooms; Granny garden house. Worker's
accommodation; Outbuildings. 30%
mountains. Huge amount of game. Three strong boreholes. Nice passive income
from guesthouse and game. Solar panels bring about a huge saving. Gamefarm: 1248
Two title deeds, can be purchases separately:
R7,5m for 42 ha with guesthouse and game; 2) R4m for 10 ha with main house
and granny-house.
Scenery farm! R12m.
726 ha.
Kransberg / Marakele (Thabazimbi).
"Hartbees" house; Guest chalet; Entertainment hall; Outbuildings and workers houses.
Impala 60; Kudu 30; Blesbuck 12;
Waterbuck 30; Bluewildebeest 10; Sable 8.
Loose assets included. Running concern.
Welgevonden (aangrensend)! R12m. 734 ha. Waterberg / Vaalwater, aangrensend aan Welgevonden (kan ingelyf word, as jy wil). 2 ure vanaf Pretoria. Geen geboue. Koedoes, klipspringers, ribbokke ens. Baie en goeie paaie. Pragtige dam. Ongerepte wildernis - groot roofdiere, soos luiperds, loop nog wild daar rond. Wildplaas: 018
Welgevonden (adjacent)! R12m.
734 ha.
Waterberg / Vaalwater, adjacent to
Welgevonden (can be incorporated, if you wish).
2 hours from Pretoria.
No buildings.
Kudus, klipspringers,
reedbuck etch.
Good and abundant roads. Beautiful dam. Unspoilt wilderness - large
predators, like leopards, still roam the area.
Boutique hotel as winsgewende lopende saak! R13m. 12 ha. Pretoria-Oos. Verwysing: 1260
Boutique hotel as profitable business! R13m. 12 ha. Pretoria East.
Reference: 1260
Gelyk soet Bosveld! R14m.
1 476 ha.
Cumberland (Thabazimbi).
Huis; Jagkamp; Buitegeboue.
Baie wild.
Rooibok 100; Koedoe 30; Buffel 31; Swartwitpens 15; Blouwildebees 150; Zebra
45; Gemsbok 45; Rooihartbees 20; Eland 20; Volstruis 18; Waterbok 8; Njala
Flat sweet Bushveldt! R14m. 1 476 ha. Cumberland (Thabazimbi).
House; Hunters camp; Outbuildings. Abundant game. Gamefarm: 595
Impala 100; Kudu 30; Buffalo 31; Sable 15; Bluewildebeest 150; Zebra 45;
Gemsbuck 45; Redheartebeest 20; Eland 20; Ostrich 18; Waterbuck 8; Njala 3.
Kalahari! P14,4m. 3 610 ha. Kang, Botswana. Abundant game. Gamefarm: 1253
Jagplaas met baie water! R14,84m. 783 ha. Inkerman (Thabazimbi / Lephalale / Ellisras). Eienaarshuis; Herberg; Werkershuise; Buitegeboue: waenhuis, slaghuis, groot stoor. Baie wild. Matlabasrivier, boorgate, fontein en groot gronddam. Geen besproeiingsreg. Alle losgoed ingesluit. Lopende saak. Wildplaas: 989
Hunting farm with lots of water! R14,84m. 783 ha. Inkerman (Thabazimbi
/ Lephalale / Ellisras). Owner's house; Game lodge; Workers' houses;
Outbuildings: garages, butchery, large
store / barn. Abundant game. Matlabas
River, boreholes, fountain and large earth dam. No irrigation rights. All loose items included. Running
concern. Gamefarm: 989
The Host of Uniondale! R18m.
1 442 ha.
Good buildings.
Free roaming game.
Mountainous farm. Gamefarm:
Goed ontwikkelde wildplaas! R18,5m. 2 116 ha. Alldays. Goeie geboue. Baie wild. Wildplaas: 1190
Well developed game farm! R18,5m.
2 116 ha.
Good buildings.
Abundant game.
Onttrek. Sonkragplaas! R20m. 1 210 ha. Geleë naby die kragstasies en hoogspanningsdrade. Ideaal om te ontwikkel as sonkragplaas: ideale aansluitingspunt (by Eskom), baie sonskyn, veilige lae-misdaad area. Rooibok 45, koedoe 90, blouwildebees 70, rooihartbees 10. Die plaas is nog nie ontwikkel as sonkragplaas nie - die foto is bloot ter illustrasie. Meer besonderhede aan goedgekeurde kopers. Wildplaas: 1249
Solar power farm! R20m.
1 210 ha.
Located near the power stations and
high voltage power lines. Ideal to be developed as a solar power farm due to
location: near ideal tie-in point (Eskom), lots of sunshine, secure
low-crime area.
Impala 45, kudu 90, bluewildebeest 70, redhartebeest 10.
The farm is not developed yet as solar farm - the photo is for illustration
More detail to approved purchasers.
Hierdie plaas is in die 2 000 ha grootteklas en die prys is R21m. Pragtige ten volle ontwikkelde wildplaas in die Bosveld, Madikwe, 3˝ ure vanaf Pretoria. Gelyk soet Bosveld met so 20% rantjies. Die ten volle toegeruste luukse herberg sit so tussen die koppe. Troppe hondmak wild. Fotos en video aan goedgekeurde kopers. Wildplaas: 1230
This farm is in the 2 000 ha size class and the price is
R21m. Beautiful fully developed game farm in the Bushveldt, Madikwe, 3˝ hours from
Pretoria. Flat sweet Bushveldt with about 20% ridges. The
fully equipped
luxury lodge
sits inbetween the hills. Herds of dog-tamed game. Photos and video to approved
purchasers. Gamefarm: 1230
Natuurskoon! R21m. 1 410 ha. Groblersdal / Stoffberg. 1) Herberg; 2) Boskamp; 3) Boskamp; 4) Bestuurdershuis; 5) Slaghuis; 6) Buitegeboue; 7) Werkersverblyf. Troppe hondmak wild. Golwende berge. Lopende spruite. Wildplaas: 1244
Natural beauty! R21m.
1 410 ha.
Groblersdal / Stoffberg.
1) Game lodge; 2) Bush lodge; 3) Bush lodge; 4) Manager's house; 5)
Butchery; 6) Outbuildings; 7) Worker's houses.
Herds of
dog tame game.
Rolling mountains. Small rivers.
Groot 5! R26m. 1 238 ha binne Selati (27 000 ha groot 5 natuurreservaat). Gravelotte. Goeie huis. Wildplaas: 1164
Big 5! R26m.
1 238 ha inside Selati (27 000 ha
big 5
nature reserve).
Good house.
Ek moet aan u verduidelik hoe UNIEK hierdie plaas is: Dit lę in 'n hoefyster en word omring deur 'n groot Provinsiale Dam en 'n rivier. Dit lę ook teen die Dam Provinsiale Natuurreservaat. 'n Stukkie reservaat vorm deel van hierdie plaas in terme van 'n ooreenkoms ten einde toegang en instandhouding van grensdrade en paaie te vergemaklik - geen fooi of huurgeld nie. Die plaas kan ingelyf word, as jy wil, om deel te vorm van een reusagtige reservaat.
I have to explain to you how UNIQUE this farm is: It lies in a horseshoe and is surrounded by a major Provincial Dam and a river. It also abuts the Dam Provincial Nature Reserve. 'n Small section of the reserve was incorporated with this farm to ease access and maintainance of fences and roads - no costs involved. The farm can be incorporated, if you wish, to form part of one gigantic reserve.
Dreamfarm - flat with river and some mountain! E1,6m = R26m. 2
997 ha. Waterberg. House; Guest house; Lodge. Abundant game. Gamefarm: 960
Waterberg mountainess farm. Scenic river! R55m. 6 998 ha. Waterberg. Good lodge,
outbuildings and worker's accommodation. Normal numbers of ordinary Bushveldt
game. Gamefarm: 182
Commercial game farm (wildlife
ranch). Rolling sweet Bushveldt. River!
US$9m = ±R135m. 5 834 ha.
Ellisras (Lephalale).
2˝ hours from Pretoria.
Luxury buildings.
All bushveldt / savannah game
(wildlife) in huge numbers including big 5 (excluding lions).
Steenkoolplaas. R140m. 910 ha met minerale-regte in die Lephalale (Ellisras) / Steenbokpan omgewing (naby: Grootegeluk Steenkoolmyn, Madupi Kragstasie, Matimba Kragstasie). 380 miljoen metrieke ton A graad steenkool, 15 meter - 90 meter diep. Wildplaas: 1145
Coal farm. R140m. 910 ha with
mineral rights in the Lephalale / Steenbokpan area (near: Grootegeluk Coal Mine, Matimba
Power Station and Madupi Power Station).
380 million metric tons A grade coal, 15
meters - 90 meters deep. Gamefarm: 1145
27 192 ha prime Kalahari!
P120m. Ghanzi, Botswana.
Game lodge, houses and functional buildings.
22 192 ha game ranch on freehold, game not included in the price (fully stocked).
9 000 ha cattle ranch (cattle not included in the price) on 40 years leasehould.
Abundant water. Gamefarm:
Botswana wilderness!
8 566 ha (21 417 acres).
Tuli Block (southern Botswana).
Very basic buildings, including
manager's house.
All Bushveldt game including big 5.
River front - 5,5 km. Gamefarm:
Privaat dieretuin. R270m. 764 ha. Krugersdorp / Maropeng / Wieg van die Mensdom. Hierdie wildreservaat, met 'n privaat dieretuin, bevat skaars wild, nie net van Suider Afrika nie maar regoor die węreld en aanteel word uitgevoer węreldwyd. Die spesies is nie net antilope nie maar ook primate, roofdiere, voëls en ander. Ek herhaal: as ek sę eksoties en skaars dan bedoel ek nie swart rooibokke en goue wildebeeste nie ... ek praat van diere wat jy nie geweet het bestaan nie, diere wat jy nog nie eers op tv gesien het nie van dele van hierdie planeet wat jy nog nooit eers van gehoor het nie! Daar's ook 'n groot trop buffels. Hierdie plaas is hierdie prys werd, nie net in kapitale waarde (grond en diere) nie, maar ook In netto wins - hierdie boerdery maak 'n stewige netto wins per jaar. Daar is ook 'n vyfster herberg en vier woonhuise asook 'n rivier met besproeiingsreg. Verkoper is bereid om aan te bly as plaasbestuurder.. Wildplaas: 1117
Private zoo. R270m. 764 ha.
Krugersdorp / Maropeng / Cradle of Humankind. This wildlife sanctuary, including a
private zoo, has a wide variety of the most exotic
and scarce game species imaginable, not only from Southern
Africa but from
worldwide. Not only antilope but also primates, predators, birds and others. I
repeat: when I say exotic and scarce I'm not talking of black impala and
golden wildebeest. I'm
talking of animals you didn't know exist, animals you've
never even seen on your tv screen, from places on this planet you've never even
heard of. There also is a herd of buffalo. This farm
really is worth this price, not only in capital value (land
and animals) but also in nett profit - this farming enterprise makes a
profit per annum. There also is a five star game
lodge, four houses and a
river with irrigation rights. Seller is prepared to stay on as farm
manager. Gamefarm: 1117
Not every game farm (wildlife ranch) comes with a helicopter! 20
286 ha. R585m. Limpopo Province, South Africa. Luxurious
buildings. All bushveldt- / savannah game species in huge
numbers (no lions though). Gamefarm: 1144
Lopende saak. R620m. 2 400 ha. Noord-Wes Provinsie. 300 ha voerproduksie onder besproeiing. 20 000 beeste in voerkrale. Voerproduksie > voerkrale > slagpale > slaghuise: van Moeder Aarde tot in die verbruiker se yskas in een besigheid. Boekwaardes (nie markwaardes nie) van die eiendomme (vas en los): R505m. Jaarlikse omset: R1,1miljard (duisend-miljoen). Jaarlikse netto wins voor rente en waardevermindering: R65,8m. Verwysing: 1157
Running concern.
R620m. 2 400 ha. North-West Province. 300 ha under fodder production under
irrigation. 20 000 cattle in feedlots. Fodder production > feedlots >
abattoir > butcheries:
from Mother Earth to the end user in one business. Book values (not market
values) of all the assets (fixed and loose): R505m. Annual turnover: R1,1billion
(thousand million). Annual net
profit before interest and depreciation: R65,8m. Reference: 1157
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Hierdie eiendom is die uitstalling van ouwęreldse weelde. Jy kan nie hierdie eiendom van nuuts af vestig met minder as R50m nie. Hierdie besigheid het voorheen 'n omset gehad van meer as een miljoen Rand per maand. Maar die besigheid het tot stilstand gekom weens die ouderdom van die eienaar. In die mark weens ouderdom en niks anders nie - die kinders is in Londen en beoog nie om terug te keer na Suid-Afrika nie. Alle los bates ingesluit.
This property is the ultimate in old-worldly luxury. You cannot establish this property from scratch with less than R50m. This business used to turn around more than one million Rand per month. But the business came to a stand-still due to old age of the owner. On the market due to old age and nothing else - the children are in London and do not intend returning to South Africa. All loose assets incuded.
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Inligting rakende onlangse verkope is geredelik beskikbaar uit
aktekantoor-rekords. Ons het vinnige, maklike en goedkoop toegang daartoe.
Indien u dus inligting verlang rakende onlangse verkope in ‘n sekere area,
kontak ons gerus. So ook Grondeise - ons doen maklik en vinnig 'n soek.
Information regarding recent sales is readily available from the deeds
office. We have quick, easy and cheap access to this information. If, therefor,
you need information regarding recent sales in an area you’re welcome to contact
us. Also Land Claims - we do a search quick and easily.
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P Erasmus Prokureur / Attorney
(Tjaka Erasmus)
+27(0) 82 375 3461 mobile
Vygeboomspoort, Lephalale (Ellisras), South Africa
Pretoria kantoor / office:
Amanyane 410, Rifweg-Oos, Leeuwfontein, Nokeng
Tjaka Erasmus
Voordat u hierdie bladsy uitdruk,
oorweeg asseblief die omgewingsimpak
Before printing this page, please consider the enviromental impact
Koper, het u die finansiële
As jy bietjie moet raap-en-skraap, of jou geld kom later los, of so iets - ek help graag, maar ek MOET jou vermoë om die eiendom te bekostig ondersoek. Gee dit asseblief sommer vir my reg van die begin af, die 1e keer wat jy my kontak. Die rede:
TYDMORSERS is mense wat plase wil “koop” maar gladnie oor die
finansiële vermoë beskik nie.
Tydmorsers se motiewe wissel van
a) Naďef – hulle dink hulle kan die plaas op skuld koop en uitboer;
b) Kansvatters, skelms en diewe – dis mense wat vir hulself ‘n
voordeel probeer bewerkstellig, van
so min as ‘n gratis besoek aan ‘n wildplaas,
tot okkupasie totdat hy uitgesmyt word weens wanbetaling,
tot die skurke wat okkupasie neem en die eiendom stroop van
bates en dan verdwyn (“asset stripping”);
c) Psigopatiese Narcissiste wat dit doen om as ‘n belangrike persoon
behandel te word en sodoende ‘n ego-streling (“ego boost”) kry;
d) By uitsondering selfs die Groenetjies wat die eienaar van 'n
wildplaas probeer benadeel vir hulle eie bizarre redes.
'n Agent word betaal vir sukses. Moenie vir my sę ek ek het min tyd
gespandeer aan die transaksie nie - u weet nie wat agter die skerms gebeur
nie. As u my per uur wil betaal sę dit vir my van die begin af. Moenie my
penaliseer vir my effektiewiteit nie - dit maak my eintlik meer werd.
Die hoeveelheid kommissie is in ooreenstemming met die bedryfsriglyn en word
betaal deur verkoper (alhoewel koper dit subsideer).
Ons verdien ons kommissie sodra ons 'n koper vind wat gewillig en instaat is
om die eiendom te koop teen verkoper se minimum terme. Ondertekening van 'n
koopkontrak is die volgende stap en indien verkoper skielik nie meer wil
voortgaan met die verkoop nie word die kommissie onmiddelik opeisbaar en
betaalbaar. Andersins is die kommissie is betaalbaar by registrasie van
oordrag (in uitsonderlike gevalle kan die kommissie vroeër betaalbaar wees,
byvoorbeeld wanneer die koper koop op afbetaling). Vir 'n volledige
verhandeling oor hierdie kwessie gaan na http://www.gamefarmnet.co.za/toetsdiemark.htm.
Verkoper, moet ons dus asseblief nie misbruik om die mark te toets nie.
P Erasmus Prokureur hou persoonlik hierdie webwerf daagliks op datum. Die
goedkoop plase op ander webwerwe is verouderd;
2) 'n Kommissie-agent word
vergoed vir sukses, nie vir harde werk nie, so moenie ons penaliseer omdat
ons effektief is nie.
Buyer, do you have the financial ability?
If you need to scrape around a bit, or your money comes loose later, or something like that - I assist you with pleasure, but I MUST investigate your ability to afford the property. Please give it to me right from the outset, the 1st time you contact me. The reason:
TIME WASTERS are people who want to "buy"
farms but do not
have the financial capacity at all.
Time wasters' motives range from:
a) Naive - they think they can buy the farm on debt and farm it out;
b) Opportunists, crooks and thieves - these are people who try to
gain an advantage for themselves, of
as little as a free visit to a game farm,
to occupation until he is thrown out for non-payment,
to the villains who take occupation and strip the property of assets and
then disappear (“asset stripping”);
c) Psychopathic Narcissists who do this to be treated as an important
person and thus get an ego boost;
d) Exceptionally even the Greens who try to harm the owner of a game
farm for their own bizarre reasons.
An agent gets paid for success. Don't tell me
I didn't didn't spend much time on this transaction - you don't know what
happens behind the scene. If you want to pay me per hour tell it to me from
the start. Don't penalise me for effectiveness - it actually makes me worth
The amount of commission is in accordance with the industry guidelines and
is payable by seller (although purchaser subsidises it).
Our commission is earned the moment we find a buyer who is willing and able
to buy at seller's minimum terms. Signature of a contract is the next step
and if seller suddenly refuses to proceed with the transaction the
commission becomes due and payable immediately. Otherwise the commission is
payable at registration of transfer (in exceptional circumstances it can be
payable earlier, for example when it is a downpayment scheme). For a
detailed discussion of this legal position go to http://www.gamefarmnet.co.za/toetsdiemark.htm.
Thus, sellers, please don't abuse us to test the market.
1) P Erasmus Attorney personally updates this website daily. The cheap
farms on other websites are outdated.
2) A commission agent gets
remunerated for success, not for hard work, so don't penalize us because
we're effective.
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